We provide a comprehensive range of professional services to meet the needs of a wide variety of commercial clients and public bodies, offering proactive and innovative solutions to their requirements.
We are justly proud of our quality of service based on:
Investment is provided in building the best team to serve the requirements of our clients by developing professional skills through continuous training.
Christopher Smith Associates offices are located in Leatherhead, Central London and Leeds.
Christopher Smith Associates undertake consultancy work throughout the UK and works across all sectors of the Construction Industry.
We are proud of the personalised service we provide to all our clients that range from major companies, through public bodies to private individuals.
Christopher Smith Associates LLP is a limited liability partnership registered in England (registered number OC311978). A list of
members names is available for inspection at: Ground Floor, Cedar Court, Guildford Road, Leatherhead KT22 9RX, the firm’s registered office.
Regulated by RICS.